5 Simple Tips to Revitalize Your Dental Marketing

There often comes a time for dental practices when marketing efforts that have previously worked in the past begin to plateau.  Reliable, consistent and effective social media strategies that a practice has been using may eventually reach a point when patients and prospects are responding in smaller numbers. If any of this sounds familiar, there is still hope. There are steps that dentists can consider which can help them to ring their messaging a little louder and reach new and old targets more effectively. Revitalizing your marketing may sound somewhat intimidating; but by following the five simple tips below, you can be on your way to reaching more people and getting your message out there better than ever!

Form a Bridge Across all Communication Tools: About 60% of people are visual learners. By treating all forms of communication with the same care, imagination, and mark, you can direct your marketing efforts as well as help individuals relate any mail, bills, statements, packing slips, or postcards that they receive back to your practice. By having a design that is steadfast among all of your forms of communications, you can form a bridge between your mailings, your website, your social media sites and any other form of communication that you utilize. Small changes often can have the biggest impact. By altering your logo placement on your communication forms, brightening your graphics, or by updating where your main message appears, you can successfully catch the eyes of your patients and unite your marketing strategies across the board.

Make Information Readily Available: Whether you already have an established practice or are just starting one, having information that engages your customers and enhances the dialogue on your social media sites is vital. By regularly communicating with your secretaries and hygienists in regard to frequently asked questions from patients, you can preempt several calls as well as add incremental value to your conversations on your social media sites. By making the most of your website and other forms social media, you can be sure to make the most of your marketing and allow communication to be readily and easily accessible to your patients.

Use Targeted Content: Patients can come in a wide variety of ages and backgrounds. Dentists can use bills, appointment reminders and even notices as opportunities to create a more educated patient: someone who recognizes the value of the relationship with a dentist-or dental practice-that keeps him or her informed. By investing in customized content that is correlated to particular aspects of a patient's profile, you can engage in their personal interests and cater to individual needs. For example, if you are sending out an appointment reminder for a child's appointment (whether is is via internet or postage mail), including a few youth dental tips or a fun dental cartoon picture will engage your patient all while adding dynamic content and value. Over time, your libraries will expand to cover a range of diverse topics pertaining to individuals no matter what their ages or needs might be.

Cross Promote To Save Both Time and Money: In today's economy, often times marketing budgets are tight. However, both time and money can be saved by thinking across various lines. Bills, websites, social media sites, and other forms of communication can all be used to promote as many of your services and amenities as possible. By using your very best material and cross promoting it across all boards, you can allow patients to see what sets your practice apart from the rest. Whether you provide a procedure that most dentists don't, utilize rare or the latest technology, or perhaps provide care and services that go above and beyond what patients are accustomed to, promoting what people are interested across marketing lines can help drive attention to your practice. The truth is, one individual person who lives in the city sees roughly 5,000 ads per day! This means that patients are being swarmed with marketing messages each and every day. The fragmentation of media only increases the burden on practices to avoid marketing a service or amenity to someone who already knows about. If you allow people to realize that you care about their personal interests, you can hold their attention for a longer amount of time as well as open the door for new prospective patients as well.

Understand Dynamics: Patients  in our modern day society are beginning to have better and more readily available means to communication with their dentists. Social media tools allow people to respond to promotions, understand what new amenities your practice is offering, and see what other patients are saying. By reexamining your customer care strategy, you can see which patients are most likely to leave as well as which patients are more likely to promote your practice by telling their acquaintances or friends about what you offer. By developing a 360 degree view of your patient demographics, you can discover who your marketing goals should actually be directed towards to improve relationships as well as understand your patients on a more informative level. Personalized communication coinciding with a combination of good information, high quality design, and appropriate understanding of patient expectations can provide a wonderful baseline for a newer and better marketing strategy.

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