• Bone Grafting
  • Core Material

J. Morita

Since its inception in 1916 MORITA has steadily grown in its core business as a specialist in dental health care, responding to the changing health care needs of our society. The MORITA Group collects and shares the most advanced technological information available to direct efforts in the development, manufacture and distribution of hardware and software useful for dental health care. DuraPro Health sells both new and refurbished MORITA equipment.

Core Material Build-Up happens when there is not enough healthy tooth left for a proper crown. This allows better retention of the crown, with less sensitivity and strengthening of the tooth.  Products can be light or self-cured, easy application, some in auto-mix syringes some self-adhesive. DuraPro Health is offering a wide selection for your customer's needs at great prices. For Bone Grafting, our top-selling Septodont's Bone grafting restorable R.T.R in a syringe.  DuraPro Health also offers Sunstar's Guidor easy-graft that is moldable,100% synthetic and fully resorbable, easy to use and very predictable.

Core Material  DuraPro Health offers Septodont's Biodentine replacement material an RCS mineral-based root canal sealer or Septodents N'Durance Dimer Core Build-Up Material. That is a dual-cure, core build-up with low shrinkage and high conversion.

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